
100次浏览     发布时间:2024-07-08 12:00:38    

Withthe rapid development of China's economy and the continuousimprovement of its international influence, more and more foreignerschoose to work in China. To work in China, you must apply for a workvisa and the follow-up work permit and residence permit. In theprocess of the application for a visa and certificate, it requiresmany steps and materials, and the temporary accommodationregistration of foreigners is one of them. Recently, many customerswill ask questions about this aspect in the consultation process, soSFBC combined with relevant regulations, take you to learn about therelevant knowledge of temporary accommodation registration forforeigners.


Whatis the Temporary Accommodation Registration Form for Foreigners?


TheTemporary accommodation registration form for overseas personnelrefers to the temporary accommodation registration form filled in bypersons who do not have a mainland Chinese identity card to stay inhotels, restaurants, hostels, guest houses, schools, enterprises,institutions or organs, groups or other Chinese institutions, andshall present valid documents.


Classificationof temporary accommodation registration forms


Thereare two forms of temporary accommodation registration, one at thepolice station and the other at the immigration department. If youstay at a resident's home, you need to issue it at the local policestation. If you live in a hotel or hotel involving foreign affairs,it shall be issued by the corresponding Exit and Entry Administrationdepartment. The format issued by the police station is uniform. It isissued by the immigration administration, and the format is notfixed. It should be noted that the temporary accommodationregistration form opened at the immigration department is only validon the day and will be invalid the next day.


3.Relevant laws and regulations


Article39 of the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republicof China stipulates that if foreigners stay in hotels within theterritory of China, the hotels shall handle the accommodationregistration for them in accordance with the relevant provisions ofthe public security administration of the hotel industry, and submitthe registration information of foreigners to the local publicsecurity organs. Aliens who live or stay in a residence other than ahotel shall, within 24 hours after check-in, register with the publicsecurity organ of their place of residence by themselves or the host.


4.Penalties for failure to register


Article76 of the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republicof China stipulates that under any of the following circumstances, awarning shall be given and a fine of not more than 2,000 yuan may beimposed:


(1)Foreigners refuse to accept examination of their exit/entry documentsby public security organs;


(2)Foreigners refuse to submit their residence certificates forexamination;


(3)failing to handle the birth registration and death declaration ofaliens in accordance with relevant regulations;


(4)The registration items of foreigners' residence certificates arechanged, and the changes are not handled in accordance with theprovisions;


(5)A foreigner in China illegally uses another person's exit or entrydocuments;


(6)failing to register in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2of Article 39 of this Law.











