
100次浏览     发布时间:2024-08-08 08:01:38    

根西岛1998年版1便士硬币(收于2020年)根西岛,别名格恩西岛;位于英吉利海峡靠近法国海岸线的海峡群岛之中;同周围一些小岛组成了"根西行政区" ,首府为圣彼得港。行政区总面积有78平方千米;人口65345人(2012年);君主:伊丽莎白二世。副总督:伊恩·科德。



根西岛发行自己的货币根西岛镑,可以跟英国的英镑自由兑换,汇率均为1:1。1英镑=1根西镑=100根西便士。此1便士硬币,材质:铜镍合金,直径:21mm。正面主图为伊丽莎白二世头像;背面主图为螃蟹、发行年份和面额。Guernsey, alias Guernsey; Located in the Channel Islands of the English Channel near the French coastline; It forms the "Guernsey Administrative Region" with some small islands around it, and its capital is Port St. Peter. The total area of the administrative region is 78 square kilometers; Population: 65,345 (2012); Monarch: Elizabeth II. Lieutenant Governor: Ian Corder.

The residents of Guernsey are mainly of Normandy descent. In 933, Guernsey was incorporated into the Principality of Normandy; William, Duke of Normandy, was king of England in 1066. Since then, British kings have enjoyed the sovereignty over the Channel Islands. In 1204, the king of England lost the mainland of Normandy; The rest of the channel islands; Later, the sovereignty of the island caused Britain and France to argue for a long time. In 1953, the International Court of Justice recognized it as British. It is one of the three royal dependencies of Britain. Defence and diplomacy are administered by the United Kingdom, and Guernsey has its own independent legislative and tax powers. Bills passed by the British Parliament do not apply to the island unless otherwise specified.

Guernsey has always maintained the development of light industry to stimulate the economy; Dairy cattle owners should concentrate on the southern highlands and produce famous Genxi cattle. There are vegetable plantations in the north that use greenhouses to grow tomatoes, flowers and grapes, most of which are shipped to England. There is tourism. Aviation business is becoming more and more important in economy.

Guernsey issues its own currency, Guernsey Pounds, which can be exchanged freely with British Pounds at a rate of 1:1. 1 pound =1 Guernsey Pound =100 Guernsey penny . This penny coin is made of copper-nickel alloy and has a diameter of 21mm. The front main picture is Elizabeth II; The main picture on the back shows crabs, release year and denomination.










